Cryotech Lab
World Leading Cryo Products
Micro azul
Cryotec method
It’s like magic, but science.
99,9% Survival Vitrification!
Micro azul
Cryotec method
Highest Survival & Highest Safety Method is now being provided
Be with the leaders of the world
Cryotec method
The Final Best Vitrification protocol was established
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Who we are?

Cryotech Lab was established to capacitate and widespread our technologies on cryopreservation using high performance vitrification to assist the Artificial Reproductive Centers in the world in the preservation of oocytes and embryos with 99,9% of survival, increasing their efficiency and success.

Our method

Our developments have been shared with other international researchers achieving amazing results of survival in oocytes and embryos at all stages and the highest standards of pregnancy and live birth. It is the simplest, most efficient method and is leading the world in cryopreservation including ovarian tissue cryopreservation.

What we do?

High Performance Vitrification

We can warranty 99,9% survival, keeping the reproductive potential of oocytes and embryos.

Support Artificial Reproductive Centers

We give One-on-One Training with expert instructors and supports Artificial Reproductive Centers all over the world in the preservation of oocytes and embryos.

99,9% Survival

Increasing the efficiency and success of artificial reproductive centres all around the world beyond expectations!


Be with the leader of the world

The vitrification master

Dr. Masashige Kuwayama

Cryotech Vitrification is suitable and superiorly used for oocytes, blastocysts, and cleavage stage embryos, and achieve 99,9% survival rates. A technology devised by the world acclaimed Vitrification Master – Dr. Masashige Kuwayama, he brings 99,9% to vitrification everywhere in the world for trained embriologysts.

Cryotec method

Why choose Cryotech?

Cryotech Warming Kit

We save the most important treasure

The fertility potential of each oocyte or embryo!